
Mission 3

                                                                                                                                           Mark O'Brien Mission 3 Process Our goals for this mission were to research a topic then make a video about the topic and edit it with Adobe premier pro. The end product that we had hoped to produce was a video about 7-10 minutes in length that is related to the topic we researched. A resource that helped us along the way was a laptop which we used to record the audio because we used our phones to record different camera angles and the audio quality wasn't great so we had to improvise. Another resource...

Mission 2

                                                                                                                                             Mark O'Brien Mission 2 Process Our goals for this mission were to make a YouTube video and channel accompanied by a power point presentation including information on YouTube and the community that surrounded it. I had hoped that in the end that we would have a well made YouTube video and channel made along with a good presentation which I feel is necessary for this assignment because there is always a lot to talk about regarding YouTube because it is really the main form of entertainment with ...

Mission 1

                                                                                                                                     Mark O'Brien Mission 1                                               Process Our goals for this mission were to record a podcast and then present it to our class along with a power point presentation which would display a range of topics around podcasts, for example we had a section about ow podcasts are made along with another section on the history of podcasts. The resources we used to make the podcas...